Aime La Vérité (Love The Truth) Jordan Raybon, Sermon indépendant, Stand AloneLifePoint ChurchMay 23, 2021
Si tu ne vis pas pour Jésus, tu ne mourras pas pour Jésus (If You Don't Live For Jesus, You Won't Die For Jesus) Jordan RaybonLifePoint ChurchMay 16, 2021Le Roi Régnant, The Reigning King
Les quatre cavaliers de l’Apocalypse (The 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse) Jordan RaybonLifePoint ChurchMay 9, 2021Le Roi Régnant, The Reigning King
Il est Digne (He Is Worthy) Jordan RaybonLifePoint ChurchApril 18, 2021Le Roi Régnant, The Reigning King
Le Roi Régnant (The Reigning King) Jordan RaybonLifePoint ChurchApril 11, 2021Le Roi Régnant, The Reigning King
Pâques : Le Roi Ressuscité (Easter: The Risen King) Jordan RaybonLifePoint ChurchApril 4, 2021Le Roi Ressuscité, The Risen King, Easter
Dimanche des Rameaux: Le Roi Ressuscité (Palm Sunday: The Risen King) Jordan RaybonLifePoint ChurchMarch 28, 2021Le Roi Ressuscité, The Risen King
Deux façons de vivre (Two Ways to Live) Jordan RaybonLifePoint ChurchMarch 21, 2021Le Roi Juste, The Righteous King
Demande, Cherche, Toque (Ask, Seek, Knock) Jordan RaybonLifePoint ChurchMarch 14, 2021Le Roi Juste, The Righteous King
Une justice complète produit une Sainte confiance (Whole Righteousness Produces Holy Trust) Jordan RaybonLifePoint ChurchFebruary 28, 2021Le Roi Juste, The Righteous King
L’obéissance devrait être secrète et pas célébrée (Obedience Should be Secret, Not Celebrated) Jordan RaybonLifePoint ChurchFebruary 21, 2021Le Roi Juste, The Righteous King
Dieu Veut Votre Cœur Et Pas Votre Performance Partie 2 (God Wants Your Heart, Not Your Performance Part 2) Jordan RaybonLifePoint ChurchFebruary 7, 2021Le Roi Juste, The Righteous King
Dieu Veut Votre Cœur Et Pas Votre Performance Partie 1 (God Wants Your Heart, Not Your Performance Part 1) Jordan RaybonLifePoint ChurchJanuary 31, 2021Le Roi Juste, The Righteous King
La Bonne Vie (The Good Life) Jordan RaybonLifePoint ChurchJanuary 24, 2021Le Roi Juste, The Righteous King
Marche dans la Vérité et garde-toi des Mensonges (Walk in Truth and Watch for Lies) Jordan RaybonLifePoint ChurchJanuary 10, 2021Verified, Verifie
Le Cœur de Dieu Est Pour Vous (God's Heart For You) Jordan Raybon, Sermon indépendant, Stand AloneLifePoint ChurchDecember 27, 2020
Christmas Eve 2020 (Réveillion de Noël 2020) Jordan RaybonLifePoint ChurchDecember 24, 2020The Real King, Le Véritable Roi, Christmas Eve, Réveillion de Noël
Le Véritable Roi (The Real King) Jordan RaybonLifePoint ChurchDecember 20, 2020The Real King, Le Véritable Roi
Connais Le Roi (Know the King) Jordan RaybonLifePoint ChurchDecember 13, 2020The Real King, Le Véritable Roi
Le Royaume ou La Malédiction (The Kingdom or The Curse) Jordan RaybonLifePoint ChurchNovember 29, 2020The Real King, Le Véritable Roi