Annonce-le parce qu'on te l'a annoncé (Tell Because You Were Told) Ray LevyLifePoint ChurchJuly 4, 2021Reset, Réinitialiser
Grandir en maturité (Moving Towards Maturity) Ray LevyLifePoint ChurchJune 27, 2021Reset, Réinitialiser
Le Lion et l’Agneau (The Lion and the Lamb) Ray LevyLifePoint ChurchMay 2, 2021Le Roi Régnant, The Reigning King
Incline-toi et Lève-toi (Bow Down and Stand Up Ray LevyLifePoint ChurchApril 25, 2021Le Roi Régnant, The Reigning King
Juge avec discernement et non pas avec médisance (Judge with Discernment not Disparagement) Ray LevyLifePoint ChurchMarch 7, 2021Le Roi Juste, The Righteous King
Donne pour Sa Gloire (Give For His Glory) Ray LevyLifePoint ChurchFebruary 14, 2021Le Roi Juste, The Righteous King
Aimez comme Christ, pas comme Caïn (Love Like Christ, Not Like Cain) Ray LevyLifePoint ChurchOctober 25, 2020Verified, Verifie
Nourrissez votre chair, affamez votre âme. (Feed Your Flesh, Starve Your Soul.) Ray LevyLifePoint ChurchOctober 4, 2020Verified, Verifie
Sermon independant (Stand Alone Sermon) Read More Sermon indépendant, Stand Alone, Ray LevyLifePoint ChurchDecember 29, 2019