S'engager envers la Communauté (Commit to Community) Luis McReaLifePoint ChurchAugust 22, 2021Reset, Réinitialiser
Père affligé (Afflicted Father) Joe Gordon, Sermon indépendant, Stand AloneLifePoint ChurchJuly 25, 2021
Annonce-le parce qu'on te l'a annoncé (Tell Because You Were Told) Ray LevyLifePoint ChurchJuly 4, 2021Reset, Réinitialiser
Grandir en maturité (Moving Towards Maturity) Ray LevyLifePoint ChurchJune 27, 2021Reset, Réinitialiser
Ne vis pas dans le mensonge (Live Not By Lies) Jordan Raybon, Sermon indépendant, Stand AloneLifePoint ChurchMay 30, 2021
Aime La Vérité (Love The Truth) Jordan Raybon, Sermon indépendant, Stand AloneLifePoint ChurchMay 23, 2021
Si tu ne vis pas pour Jésus, tu ne mourras pas pour Jésus (If You Don't Live For Jesus, You Won't Die For Jesus) Jordan RaybonLifePoint ChurchMay 16, 2021Le Roi Régnant, The Reigning King
Les quatre cavaliers de l’Apocalypse (The 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse) Jordan RaybonLifePoint ChurchMay 9, 2021Le Roi Régnant, The Reigning King
Le Lion et l’Agneau (The Lion and the Lamb) Ray LevyLifePoint ChurchMay 2, 2021Le Roi Régnant, The Reigning King
Incline-toi et Lève-toi (Bow Down and Stand Up Ray LevyLifePoint ChurchApril 25, 2021Le Roi Régnant, The Reigning King
Il est Digne (He Is Worthy) Jordan RaybonLifePoint ChurchApril 18, 2021Le Roi Régnant, The Reigning King
Le Roi Régnant (The Reigning King) Jordan RaybonLifePoint ChurchApril 11, 2021Le Roi Régnant, The Reigning King