Communauté Courageux (Courageous Community) Ray LevyLifePoint ChurchJune 11, 2023La Force et le Courage, Strength & Courage, Communauté Courageux, Courageous Community
Christ est Seigneur (Christ is Lord) Sermon indépendant, Stand Alone, Jordan RaybonLifePoint ChurchJune 4, 2023Christ est Seigneur, Christ is Lord
Un Corps, Un Objectif (One Body, One Purpose) Sermon indépendant, Ray Levy, Stand AloneLifePoint ChurchMay 28, 2023Un Corps Un Objectif, One Body One Purpose
Le Bataille est Longue mais le Repos est Doux (The Battle is Long but the Rest is Sweet) Charles GravelyLifePoint ChurchMay 21, 2023La Force et le Courage, Strength & Courage, The Battle is Long but the Rest is Sweet, Le Bataille est Longue mais le Repos est Doux
Grand Dieu. Grande prière. (Big God. Big Prayer.) Ray LevyLifePoint ChurchMay 14, 2023La Force et le Courage, Strength & Courage, Grand Dieu. Grande prière., Big God. Big Prayer.
Ne soyez pas trompés (Don’t Be Deceived) Ray LevyLifePoint ChurchMay 7, 2023La Force et le Courage, Strength & Courage, Ne soyez pas trompés, Don’t Be Deceived
Le courage à confesser (Courage to Confess) Matt FokosLifePoint ChurchApril 23, 2023La Force et le Courage, Strength & Courage, Le courage à confesser, Courage to Confess
Un Dieu généreux, un peuple généreux (Generous God, Generous People) Sermon indépendant, Ray Levy, Stand AloneLifePoint ChurchFebruary 26, 2023Un Dieu généreux un peuple généreux, Generous God Generous People
Le don d'amitié (The Gift of Friendship) Sermon indépendant, Ray Levy, Stand AloneLifePoint ChurchFebruary 19, 2023Le don d'amitié, The Gift of Friendship\
Priez et Proclamez (Pray and Proclaim) Jordan RaybonLifePoint ChurchFebruary 12, 2023Jesus par-dessus tout, Jesus-Over Everything, Priez et Proclamez, Pray and Proclaim
Tout à Jésus (Everything to Jesus) Ray LevyLifePoint ChurchFebruary 5, 2023Jesus par-dessus tout, Jesus-Over Everything, Tout à Jésus, Everything to Jesus
Vêtu en Christ (Clothed in Christ) Ray LevyLifePoint ChurchJanuary 29, 2023Jesus par-dessus tout, Jesus-Over Everything, Vêtu en Christ, Clothed in Christ
Mettre à Mort le Péché et Vivre Pour Gagner (Kill Sin and Live to Win) Ruben GraberLifePoint ChurchJanuary 22, 2023Jesus par-dessus tout, Jesus-Over Everything, Mettre à Mort le Péché et Vivre Pour Gagner, Kill Sin and Live to Win
Jésus Change Tout (Jesus Changes Everything) Ray LevyLifePoint ChurchJanuary 15, 2023Jesus par-dessus tout, Jesus-Over Everything, Jésus Change Tout, Jesus Changes Everything
Substance Au-Dessus Des Ombres (Substance Over Shadows) Ray LevyLifePoint ChurchJanuary 8, 2023Jesus par-dessus tout, Jesus-Over Everything, Substance Au-Dessus Des Ombres, Substance Over Shadows
Planté dans la Parole (Planted in the Word) Sermon indépendant, Ray LevyLifePoint ChurchJanuary 1, 2023Planté dans la Parole, Planted in the Word
Dîtes-leur que Jésus Christ est né (Go Tell Them Jesus Christ is Born) LifePoint ChurchDecember 24, 2022Criez son nom sur tous les toits, Go Tell It on a Mountain, Dîtes-leur que Jésus Christ est né, Go Tell Them Jesus Christ is Born
Racontez-leur la Bonne Nouvelle (Go Tell Them the Good News) Joe GordonLifePoint ChurchDecember 18, 2022Criez son nom sur tous les toits, Go Tell It on a Mountain, Racontez-leur la Bonne Nouvelle, Go Tell Them the Good News
Racontez-leur le Message de la Mangeoire (Go Tell Them the Message of the Manger) Ray LevyLifePoint ChurchDecember 11, 2022Criez son nom sur tous les toits, Go Tell It on a Mountain, Montrez-leur la voie, Go Tell Them the Way
Montrez-leur la voie (Go Tell Them the Way) Ray LevyLifePoint ChurchDecember 4, 2022Criez son nom sur tous les toits, Go Tell It on a Mountain, Montrez-leur la voie, Go Tell Them the Way